Portable Non-contact IR Thermometer Calibrator
The rugged yet sleek Non-contact Infrared Temperature Calibration Checker offers a fast, low cost and highly accurate way to ensure infrared temperature sensors are operating within calibration limits, either in the lab or on the shop floor.

Two models are available offering two different calibration temperatures. The FTK 95 heats up to 95ºC, and the FTK 120 goes to 120ºC.

FTK 95 and FTK 120 reach and stabilise at these temperatures in approximately 12 minutes and have an LED to show when they are up to the correct temperature.

The FTK 95 and FTK 120 both offer a good accuracy of less than ±0.2ºC drift at an ambient temperature of 20ºC.

The large Ø50mm target area allows all infrared temperature sensors, even those with a wide field of view, to be mounted far from the FTK, which helps to ensure there are no accuracy problems as a result of the front of the sensor being heated. The target itself has a high emissivity of 0.98, ideal for calibration.

The FTKs are made of stainless steel to allow them to take the punishment dealt out in the harshest of industrial conditions. Being just 65mm x 94mm the FTKs are also compact enough to be portable and they can be used to check fixed infrared sensors where they are installed, a bonus and time saver.

Each FTK is supplied with a carrying case, mounting support, user manual and power supply, so they can taken right where they are needed and used quickly and easily.

The FTK Non-contact Infrared Temperature Calibration Checker is available from Heastern Industries.
Press Releases
Heastern Industries announce yet another first in the field of infra-red thermometry, the new PyroEpsilon series non-contact temperature sensors. The PyroEpsilon series is a range of high quality, low cost, compact sensors, which measure the temperature of inaccessible or moving objects and materials. They can measure temperatures from -20degC to 500degC, accurately and consistently, with an outstanding response time of 240 ms. ...more
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